An icy plunge

The young pup peered down into the icy water below with a growing feeling of trepidation. Only a few days old, he had learnt so much already from watching his mother, but this challenge was his greatest so far.

How would it feel to be submerged? What would he find lurking underneath the surface? How would ever he get back onto dry land?

Questions flooded his mind like a torrent of icy water, but bravely he inched closer and closer to the edge.Splash! He fell in. He realised how nice the water was, all the beautiful,colourful fish swimming around.Soon he picked up how to swim and enjoyed himself allot.

He could see why his mom

enjoyed swimming so much!

All his fears seemed to disappear because he was free for the first time and that made him happy.

Because of all the energy he was using he started to feel hungry and decided to go back up to the surface to see if his mom had caught a fish for dinner. YUM!

He couldn't wait to do it all again tomorrow!