Obot Peaks's message to Earth

Greatings poeple on earth i am sending THIS meassig to you to enshor you that i am nearly on the planet and my baloon looks very big. i am 100 meaters from the planet and ican see the butiful siet of planet earth im not shore if you see my scanner but it is realy butisfl. im about to land on mars. i'm on mars i can see alot of hot ground. i will try to find alians. i nearly gumpped in abig hole.i'll see you later. im gumping as hi as i can to see the hole planet. I'm going to tell you when i get to another part of this amazing planet. I'm on agigantic hole bloking my way. well i am going to have to go the other way i'll tell you when i get there. I'm i on my destination i'm about to cros my ship agen i'm puting my poster on so you can see every think i do. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! alian i'm getin out of hear. I'm hiding in my ship." Why is the ground shaking". Im going back to earth that was my measag.

from nicholas