Saturn is the second largest planet in our solar system and is another gas giant. Saturn has a small rocky core covered with liquid gas. It is surrounded by a system of rings that stretches out into space for thousands of kilometres. Saturn is the second biggest planet, but it’s also the lightest planet. If there was a bathtub big enough to hold Saturn, it would float in the water! Saturn's rings can be seen with even a small telescope. A larger telescope shows that there are multiple rings. The rings are made of chunks of rock and ice -- some just tiny pieces of dust, some more than half a mile (one km) across.



Approximately 856 million miles to go around


More than 30 moons (we're discovering more all the time -- 18 have been named Titan is the largest moon of Saturn and the second largest moon in the entire solar system.


Approximately 75,000 miles (120,000 km) the second largest planet -- more than 9 Earths could line up across it!


29.5 Earth years (the length of one orbit around the sun)


Saturn's rings can be seen with even a small telescope. A larger telescope show that there are multiple rings. What are the rings made of? The rings are made of chunks of rock and ice -- some just tiny pieces of dust, some more than half a mile (one km) across.


Earth's equator is tilted 23 degrees. It is this tilt that gives the planet its 4 seasons. Each year, as we orbit around the sun the tilt of the planet causes different parts of the planet to spend more time in sunlight. The days are longer and the nights shorter and most of us in North America experience summer. On the other half of the world in places like Australia and the other Southern hemisphere countries, the days are shorter and the nights are longer and they have winter. The farther away we are from the equator, the more pronounced the changes due to the tilt are