5 layers of the ocean

1.The sunlight zone is the first layer in the ocean which we swim in.Sunlight hits the water to make it warm. You can find coral leaves ,seaweed and fish.

2.The twilight zone is below the sunlight zone. Because there is so much water it is hard to get down unless you have a submarine. Some strange fish can been seen in this area like jelly fish.

3.midnight zone which is called dark zone.The temperate is very low in this sunlight doesn't reach it.In this layer angler fish, tripod fish and sea cucumbers live here.

4.The lower midnight zone or Abbys zone is the fourth layer which the temperature here is near freezing. this layer is made out of 3 quarters of the ocean . creatures such as basket stars and tiny squids can live here.

5.The deepest zone is the trenches which the temperature of the water is above freezing but still life can be seen here.Starfish and tube worms can be found in this zone.