Wonder is an amazing movie. This movie contains a lot of emotional parts so beware. There's a little boy called Auggie Bowmand who is a lovely boy but when he was born,he had some problems with his face and thought he was ugly. He has an older sister called Via.She is a very quiet girl and a very good listener.

Auggie was home schooled because he was too afraid of people making fun of him at school. One day his parents thought he was ready for school and Auggie didn't think so. He had gone to school one day earlier for a look around. There was this really rude boy, a crazy girl and a silly boy.

The school day came, Auggie was super scared of what the children might say to him and he wished this day had never come. The silly boy was called Jack. He was nice. Then there was a nasty boy called Julian .He was always making fun of Auggie even on the first day he met him and Auggie pretended it was all right.

When he went home, he ran upstairs in floods of tears. Halloween is his favourite time of the year. A random boy went and gave a high five and no one wants to high five Auggie. Then he caught Jack saying the only reason I am friends with him is because my mum told me to.

Watch the movie to find out what happened next...