
Homophones are words that are spelled differently, have different meanings yet sound the same.

E.g. pair - two of something

pear - a fruit

Spelling list (see below). The strategy for this week is 'Backwards Words' or if you prefer use any of the strategies that you have used before. Choose ones that work for you.

here hear

heel heal

mail male

knot not

brake break

meet meat

If you wish to do more work on homophones you could choose to complete the following activity in your homework books. Some of the words in the activity are in the spelling list but there are some new ones too.

Activity: Read the homophone clues. Can you choose the correct word from the list that matches with the clue?

meet bear plain mail here heel night

male heal meat knight hear plane bare hear

________ beef, pork and poultry

________ to talk with someone for the first time

________ a delivery by the postman

________ a boy, man, he

________ someone who wears shining armour

________ opposite of day

________ A furry animal with big paws

________ the cupboards didn't have any food, they were...

________ a vehichle that flies

________ something without a pattern

________ the back of my foot

________ to make someone better

________ this place

__________ listen

Further extension

Can you think of any more pairs?