Green Shieldbug

Green Shield bugs (Paloma Prasina) are extremely hard to see as they are camouflaged in to particular plants. Shieldbugs are also not one of the biggest species, as it is rather hard but possible to find one.


Shield bugs tend to have very flat bodies but that doesn't stop you from finding them. These bugs change colour during the seasons. In the summer time,they are stippled with tiny black dots (but make sure you do not get confused with Lady bugs) Their bodies usually change to brown when Autmn falls and so do their wing tips.These microscopic beasts can grow to a size of 12mm in width


Green Shield bugs have a nice appetite for plant saps,leaves of trees,shrubs and herbaceous plants.These bugs do not have a specific way of eating as they normally nibble their fodder.


Just because they are small doesn't mean they will die early,these bugs live ( for a life) up to 2 years although they are only seen from April to October. Shield bugs love to hibernate in leaf litter.

Fun Facts

Green Shield bugs sometimes known as stink bugs due to their stinky odours coming from special glans.