World war 1 was a terrible war and we have been learning about it.

The assassination of Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie Ferdinand

is what started it all.

Franz Ferdinand was the heir to the throne but the Surbians did not

want him to rule over them aswell as Austria-Hungary, so a group of

terrorists tried to kill him and his wife. The one who did eventually

kill them was named Gavrilo Princip.


Medicine in ww1 improved quite a lot to what it was before. Surgeons that worked in the war had to dig out dead skin from aruond the wound. If bits of mud or uniform got into a soldiers wound then they could survive from the wound but later would die of infection.

Food in the trenches

In the war cooks were disrespected

as the stew that they made could get

spilled or get mud in it. It could also go

cold before it got to the soldiers.