Hello and Happy New Year!

We hope that you have had a fabulous break with your family. We are excited to be back for the Spring Term - always a busy one where the pupils really step up a gear after settling into their Year 3 class in the Autumn Term. We have been sharing our New Year's Resolutions for both school and home and setting ourselves individual and class targets to aim for.

We were sad to see Miss Kaminaris leave us in December but wish her well for her new job! We are very lucky to have Miss Emily Milner join us as our new Teaching Assistant. She has worked in a few schools in Swansea and brings with her lots of teaching experience. The children have enjoyed getting to know her this week and she already feels at home :-)

Our new topic is 'C'mon Cymru' and it is a fun, geography skills based topic. We have kicked it off this week with our Open your Eyes Week and are looking forward to learning more about Wales and it's features. Pupil's will have the opportunity to plan and deliver an Oracy presentation about an aspect of Wales later in the term.

On January 21st we will be visiting the National Botanical Garden of Wales with the Year 4 class. Details will be available on Squid this week.

No homework this week! 'My Maths' will be up and running again next Monday and Spellings will also be sent home.

Thank you for your continued to support, please do contact us if we can help with anything,

Best Wishes,

Mrs Smith & Mrs Williams