One day when I was in my garden at night I saw something glinting in the sky, however it was moving so I asked my mum to look at it and she said she did not know what it was. So I went to my local library to get some books on astronomy, all day I studied them to see what it could have been. The next day I began to give up looking for what this glinting object was, so I told my mum, my mum called up her friend called Barbara she works at NASA.

The next evening she came over to look at some of the photos that I took a few nights ago. She too did not know quite exactly what they were, so Barbara took them to her work to closely study them.

When Barbara called my mum she told my mum it was a meteor hurdling towards Earth. My mum told me what it was and how dangerous the meteor is and I saved the world. However later that day Barbara informed us that NASA are finding it very hard to stop it coming to earth. Later that day it was on the news that it might hit earth in two days, an that these might be are last days on earth alive ...