The Sun and the Wind (Part 2)

The Sun and the Wind are still arguing because the wind thinks that the Sun cheated.

Wind: You cheated Sun!

Sun: No! I did not cheat!

Cloud: Guys are you arguing again!

Sun: We are arguing because the Wind thinks that I cheated!

Wind: I know she cheated somehow!

Cloud: Ok! Do you guys want to do the last test?

Wind: Yes please!

Sun: Ok!

They went to the beach. The cloud saw a little girl with her hat.

Sun: What is going to be the test?

Cloud: The test is going to be who can take the little girl's hat off!

Wind: Easy! I am sure I will win this time!

Sun: Ok!

Cloud: Can the wind go first again Sun?

Sun: Sure.

Wind: OK! Yay

The Wind blew and blew but the girl holded tight to her hat.

Cloud: Now the Sun's turn

The Sun used all her power.

Little girl: It is so hot I will go take my hat off and swim!

Sun: YAY! I win! I think I am stronger than all the weathers!