The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is one of the seven wonders of the world.

Who built it?

Emperor Quin built the longest wonders of the world! This wounder can be seen by a satellite.

When was it built?

The Great Wall of China was built in 221 B.C

How long did it take to build?

The Great Wall of China took 200 years to build!

How long is it?

The Great Wall of China is 21.1% Km (13.137) long.

Where is it?

The Great Wall of China is located in Huairou China.

How wide is it?

9.1 mile (30 feet wide)

How heavy are the rocks they use?

 Transporting 100,000,000

Fun Fact!

The Great Wall of China was built to protect China and to keep away northen enemies.

What is the weather normally like?

In the Great Wall of China it is temperate a bit arid and mountinus.