PE & Sport

Important Dates & Events

Lunchtime Clubs:

Tag Rugby club will start next term - Monday lunchtimes with Mrs Barnes

Make sure you sign up when the sign up sheets come round. Limited Places

Week Beginning-14/11/15

3 - 3

3 - 3

2 - 4

4 - 0

2 - 2

2 - 4

Dance festival - Tuesday 19th January 2016

Swithland vs Bosworth - Wednesday Lunchtime

PE Assembly

A PE Assembly was held by Mrs Barnes on Tuesday 15th December.

Certificates were presented to the children who attended the KS1 Multi – Skills Festival at Soar Valley College last week and children who represented the school at the Hi-5 Netball Tournament.


A team of Yr4 badminton players took part in the Top Schools Tournament at Soar Valley College on Friday. Well done to Kyan Gohil and Darius Fanibanda, Prem Damani and Shivam Pancholi who reached the semi finals despite playing children from Yrs 5 & 6.