What is WE DAY?

WE Day is a celebration of young people making a difference in their local and global communities. WE Schools is the yearlong programme that nurtures compassion in young people and gives them the tools to create transformational social change.

Together they offer young people the tools and the inspiration to take social action, empower others and transform lives—including their own.

WE at School

Every day students are stepping up and making a difference in their local community and world at large. To live WE at School is to recognise that no matter your age or where you live, we can all make a positive impact-whether that's volunteering ,fundraising or raising awareness for causes that matter.

In our school we fund-raise cookies, cupcakes and other food items. In addition, we have a large glass bear where the school, including the parents, put their lose money/change; all the money goes to a special place called HAITI which is located in the Caribbean between Cuba and Puerto Rico.

WE Are Stronger Together

WE is a movement that brings people together and gives them the tools to change the world .Today, we are millions of passionate young people, women and men working together to shift the world from “me” to “we.”

To conclude, my school are taking 14 children from Year 5 to the event on 22nd March 2017!