Next we had to think of a name for our flag. It took AGES to come up with a name because everyone kept disagreeing on it, but in the end everyone agreed on the name:

Unfortunately, we didn't win and I can no remember the winning group's name as it was quite a complicated name! Overall, I enjoyed the project, especially working with my friends and to discuss how our own world might look like. It was very entertaining.


It has been lots of fun learning about micro society. For this project: I have drawn flag with my team mates; discussed idea of the name of our country; we did our best as we could to work together as a team.

Firstly, I am going to tell you about my main points of what I did today.

In our first lesson of Micro society, it was very creative. We had to work in groups to come up with a flag and a name. It took lots of teamwork and co-operation to come up with our flag and the name for our micro society. We all thought of a flag, then we tried putting it together, in the end it worked out pretty well. Then everyone voted for their favourite flag. , but we ended out becoming 2nd place and this is how the flag that got the most votes turned out like: