E Safety.

Roses are red,

violets are blue,

Danger is due,

So be good,

And don't climb out of the hood.

Details bye don't need,

I just committed a deed,

I might even bleed,

Details do need.

Remember remember,

E safety rules,

Precious details may ember,

They will come to school.

By Alex Taylor.

This is about E SAFETY. This is a poem I wrote to help you see what life can be. Oh no I'm a poet and I just don't know it!

Now E safety is the key in life one wrong step and there goes your life. This website could save that life. Try and remember this information or this could happen to you. Here is one last poem enjoy.

Details details,

We all need,

For you let go,

There will be no show,

Be careful.

Safety safety,

How it glee,

That feeling that shines,

Will deceive.

That was a short one but remember remember

like the song made on the fifth of December.