Long ago, there was a secret Island where most of mankind didn't even know existed. The bright sun shone on the island and the sea which was surrounding it. This made the sea glimmer like shimmering chandeliers. Right in the middle of the Island was the village of Erania.

Erania was the home of Blaze. Blaze was a beautiful and kind hearted girl, who was really fast and super strong. She would always win in any running races.

Little did she know that she was actually one of the daughters of Zeus and that is why she's super fast and strong. There was still another power which blaze was unaware of, it was the power to control storms, thunder and lightning.

Erania may sound like a lovely paradise but it isn't how it seems, for every night there is a storm or rarely even a snow storm.

Many years before, Blizzard, half human and half an icy monster, had cursed the village of Erania. He had cursed the island because the sun came to close to his icy island and melted half of it, he thought this was the fault of the islanders. So every night a storm appears or when Blizzard is really angry it is a snow storm.

Blizzard lives in the ice and snow and he is the king of his land. His face is covered in a thick coat of ice and he also has some icicles hanging down from his hands and arms. He's never cared for anyone but himself. Whenever someone steps foot in his land he would freeze them with his icy powers. Many had tried to defeat him before but had ended up with tragic endings.

Once on a hot and sunny day a villager went to the icy island just to feel cooler because he had been sailing his boat for a long time. Blizzard heard of this straight away and he was furious! Blizzard froze the villager but because it was a hot day the ice melted quickly. Now Blizzard was even more angry so at that night a terrible snow storm covered the village of Erania. The same thing happened the night after that and it kept on going on.

The king of Erania was confused about the mysterious weather and soon found out that it was the fault of Blizzard. He sent the guards to find the bravest and strongest person in the village. They came back to the palace with Blaze for she was the only one brave and strong enough. The king was surprised because he thought it was going to be a brave and strong man, either way he was still happy that his guards could find somebody. the king asked Blaze if she was sure she wanted to go, Blaze accepted because she had courage and didn't want to let the islanders down. The king gave blaze a sharp sword that wasn't magical.

Blaze sailed to the icy island. She felt worried, would she ever come back to her village home.

When Blaze reached there she hid behind ice so she was unseen. Soon she found Blizzard. Blizzard made a snow storm cloud appear above Blaze, she tried to cover it with her sword but instead her sword change into a lightning shape, what she was change to something magical with lightning bolts and she could now could now control storms lightning and thunder. She found her true talent. Blizzard was amazed. Blaze pointed her lightning sword at Blizzard and a lightning bolt came out and killed him. Blizzard was dead.

Blaze came home victorious.

Zeus was proud of her as he watched down from the sky.