Nouns, Adjectives and Verbs


A noun can be an object, person, place, group or emotion.

There are different names for each of these:

-Common nouns (object e.g. book, chair)

-Collective nouns (group of individuals e.g. Herd, Pod, Family)

-Proper nouns (People or places e.g. Megan, London, Africa)

-Abstract nouns (Feelings and emotions e.g. happiness, sadness)

Way to remember: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn naming word! (to tune of batman)


An adjective describes a noun.

There are lots of different adjectives we use like:

-Colourful -Angry

-Heavy -Horrible

-Beautiful -Lovely

Way to remember: Ddddddd describing word


A verb is a doing word.

There are lots of different verbs we use like:

-Running -Swimming

-Jumping -Dancing

-Playing -Looking

Way to remember: Verbdo