After 10 long days , the rumble 

of lighting and rain shakes me 

from the slumber . I look around 

in curiosity . It was not yet sunny , 

but my penetrating eyes can see it ... 

It would be hard to miss the tornado of wind ascending towards my shivery body.

My first impulse is to scamper calmly from the tree , but I belted it . Somehow my sweaty wet fingers release the buckle and I fall on the ground in a bundle , still snarled in my sleeping bag . There's no time for any kind of packing . Auspiciously , my backpack and water bottle are 

already in the bag . 

I hustle in the belt , elevate the bag 

on my shoulder , and retreat.

The world has transformed into one 

of mist and rain . Iced twigs fracture 

from trees and fall in blizzards of 

leaking (rain) at my feet . The bleak 

is horrendous , but worse that the bleak is the mist , which threatens to freeze me at any second .

I felt frozen . I couldn't move one bit . At that instant I saw a frozen a bewilderman laying on the stone rock like a mummified Pharaoh . Instantly , I bolted away from the bleak , that was trying to murder me . I found a shelter ... I zoomed as quick as a wink . Delicately , I rubbed two sticks together and created a camp- fire . I heard something . Sounds of rocks 

were clattering , tree barks rattling

and people arguing which way to go .

It was the bewildermen

What was i going to do ?

By Hana Murtezi

Literacy Homework : To innovate

the hunger games text