
Week Beginning 11th January Home Learning



This home learning is designed to be completed over the course of the

week. Take a look below and each day try to complete:

  1. A Maths task
  2. An English task
  3. Either Science, Topic or P.E.

Ask your parents to take photographs of your work and email them to your teachers once during the week.

Try and read everyday: Choose a book at your stage off the Oxford Owl website.

Task: Read the first few pages of your book and write a prediction about what you think will happen next.

Task: Login into Read Theory and complete the initial assessment. Your username and password are in your reading diaries. You may need a parent to help with this.

Task: Click on the BBC Bitesize Reading skills link, watch the three videos and answer the questions.

Task: Practice your spellings and join the live Teams meet at 10:00 on Friday for a spelling test together. Everyone try the Year 2 spellings on page 3 of the blog.

Task: Click on the link and play a game on Phonics Play

Task: Earn some stars on Doodle Maths

Task: Practice your timetables on J2E blast

Task: Practice your number bonds to 10, 20 or 100

on Hit the Button. Set yourself a Personal Best and try to

beat it

Task: Complete the Maths Home Challenge Sheet on the next blog


Task: Complete the Maths activity on page 4. Choose a column.


Task: Listen to the Pirates of the Caribbean theme tune and write down what instruments you can hear.

Task: Click on the link to find out about James Cook and design an information page about him. This can be on done on paper or as a blog on J2E.

Task: Click on the links below and try some Pirate Yoga and Pirate Dances.

Our Science Topic this half term is Animals and their needs

Task: Click on the link about Animal life cycles and complete the sorting activity about which animals lay eggs and which don't.

Task: Click on the link, watch the video, then order the life cycle of a frog. Can you label what happens at each stage?