Comprehension Answers.

Questions on ‘South Korea: “You can’t catch it twice”.

Part A: Find and explain the facts

A1. What has new research from South Korean scientists said about COVID-19?

South Korean scientists say that they do not believe that you can catch the new coronavirus more than once and they think that this is unlikely as the cases where people had caught the disease more than once were most likely due to “testing failures”.  

A2. What are ‘immunity passports’?

These are the government-issued documents which means you were less restricted by the lockdown if you have antibodies that can fight off the virus.

Part B: Deduce and infer information

B1. The World Health Organization is concerned that “the use of (immunity passports) may increase the risks of transmission”. How might that be the case?

It might be risky because the use of immunity passports may increase the risks of transmission which means when someone with immunity passports go to one place to another, the virus might stay on their things and it might spread to everyone. It might increase the cases around the world.

Part C:

C1. Explain the use of quotation marks in the headline.

The quotations are used in the headline because it tells everyone that South Korean scientists do not believe that you can catch the new coronavirus more than once

however there is no evidence, so it shows their belief.