Grand Opening!
Wow! What a week! We have been celebrating our school being officially opened with a whole host of activities!
On Monday we visited the lifebus and met Harold the Giraffe and his friends. We also went outdoors for outdoor learning with Mrs Charn and Mrs Dunkley. It was brilliant!
We made tree cookies, natural wands and learned how to weave between sticks.
We are so looking forward to taking part in Forest Schools when we are in Year 2 next year.
On Tuesday we planned our event for the Enterprise fair. We have decided to make our classroom into a circus fairground with exciting games like hook a duck, the card race where you have to say whether a card is higher or lower, and guess the dog's birthday. Thank you so much to the lovely parents who have donated our prizes!

Please don't forget we need more ducks and fishing nets for tomorrow please!

We spent the day getting our stalls ready, making banners and posters and making up a poem for our pitch.

On Wednesday we practised our pirate play and also had a whole school hymn practice ready for our big assembly on Friday. In the afternoon our parents came along to a special craft session organised by Mrs Mackie.
Today we have had a circus skills workshop and have enjoyed listening to the pitches by other classes ready for our enterprise market place tomorrow.
Please write a message saying what you have enjoyed this week! What would you like to do before the end of term?