

We have learnt that scarcity is a basic economic problem where there is a shortage of a resource.

Where? Scarcity happens in many countries in the world. For example, the lack of clean water and high population caused water scarcity in Africa; depletion of trees in forests caused wood scarcity in Thailand;the shortage of affordable homes caused housing scarcity in the UK.


We read the story of

Justenuf. The story was

based on a planet where everyone who lived there had just enough of food and water. The trees produced strawberry trifles and barbecued pork ribs. However, one day everyone started arguing about food! The captain was confused and asked what is all the fuss? Everyone was silent until a boy spoke up. He explained how everyone was arguing about not having anymore food because the soil was poisoned. The captain said that the they needed to change the name of the planet until the problem was fixed. The new name of the planet was called Notenuf! I really enjoyed the story and look forward to reading more!

Flag 'n' Name!!

At the end of our lesson we had to come up with a

name and a flag to represent our class in microsociety.

Every table decided on a flag and a name. Then we voted

on which flag we wanted and which name we wanted.

We decided to call ourselves The Astro Agents!!!

By Loic Chasseray
