The Duck Billed Platypus

Their Coats

  • It is dark brown in colour.
  • It is very thick.
  • It is very special

Their Claws

The claws turn out when he walks and retract when he

takes pressure off his feet.

The Platypus uses his claws to dig out their homes.

He also uses his claws to pick up the fish, larva, and insects that he eats.


The male platypus weighs about 2 kg and is about 50 to

65 cm long.

The important thing is that the male platypus has a

little brown spur on the back of its leg that holds poisonous venom.


She is 43 cm long and is 0.9 kg in weight.

She also has a spur but it falls off in her first



43 cm long and is 0.9 kg in weight.

2 kg and is about 50 to 65 cm long.

Where do they live

The platypus lives in burrows along the river bank.

They are made near the pools of water in Australia.