She was going to perish; there was no way out.The men were ill-fated and freezing, they were also starving the choices of food were: seal,bird,walrus,penguin or each other.

The Endurance was almost going to be a beautiful legend, if not for the sub-zero condition.It got trapped in ice I hoped we wouldn't join her...

The cold got to her bones as if nothing covered her. We didn't have much shelter or protection. We sent some crew to find a better place to camp.

29th October 1915

We watched from camp as the run-down carcass of her sank down to the bottom of the deep, blue, sub-zero sea.I didn't know what to do with these 27 lives.''Is this really how it ends'' I said as a muttered to the fluff-less sky maybe said the crew ,''but don't worry we will be with you'' this was strange as they were never nice to me maybe they would turn on me so after that, day after day my crew members started to turn on me my prediction was correct maybe they'd kill me and throw my body down to her carcass...

Ernest Shaclton

27th October 1915

28th October 1915

Later, the camp was set a mile and a half from her run-down, perished , shattered carcass so when we got there the tents formed a semi-circle for warmth and protection.