Logo Week 4


To be able to write a procedure and use that in repeat commands

However.... first, the maths chat! (Regrettably needed. :)

4 x 90 =

6 x 60 =

8 x 45 =

Repeat 6 [ fd 100 rt 60]

repeat 6 [repeat 6 fd 100 rt 60] rt 60 

What number keeps cropping up?

The patterns will look good if the maths is right

Which one has the 'good maths'?

Procedures follow this format

To square

repeat 4 [fd 100 rt 90]


Must start with a To and end with End

You can add to the procedures to alter colour, line width, HT, etc

Procedures in repeats


Repeat 4 [square rt 90]

Have fun with different polygons and repeats, but remember to get the maths right!