christmas in argentina

In Argentina Houses are Decorated with light's and wreath of green,gold,white and red flowers.Red and white garland are hung of doors of houses.Christmas Trees are very popular and they are often decorated by the 8th December flowers.Red and white garland are hung of doors of houses.Christmas Trees are very popular and they are often decorated by the 8th December the feast of the Immaculate Conception -when f the Immaculate Conception -when weather is warm at Christmas.Preparation for Christmas begins very early in December and November.Many people in Argentina are catholic's and celebrate advent .Houses are Decorated with light's and wreath of green,gold,white and red flowers.Red and white garland are hung of doors of houses.Christmas Trees are very popular and they are often decorated by the 8th December the feast of the Immaculate Conception -when catholic's celebrate Mary was conceived.
