Hummingbird from animal planet
A Hummingbird is a small type of bird that usually 7.5cm-13cm.
Humming birds hover in mid air by flapping their wings rapidly.
Humming birds eat flower nectar, however they also eat bugs such as:
mosquitioes, aphides gnats, midges ,caterpillars ,flying ants
weevils ,small beetles ,whiteflies ,insect eggs.
They also eat small spiders and some species feed on tree
sap from holes in trees that other birds have made such as
Yellow bellied sap suckers.Sap Sucker holes are a double
treat for the Hummingbird because it is providing both
insects and sap!

Humming birds have short lives compared to humans,on
the other hand, they have long lives compared to creatures
with such rapid metabolrisms. Many Humming birds die
during there first year of life, especially in the vulnerable
period between hatching and leaving the nest( which is called fledging).
Those who survive may live a decade or more. Among the better-known North
American species the normal life span is 3 to 5 years. The longest recorded
life span was a female Broad-tailed hummingbird that lived for 12 years.

All in all, hummingbirds are clever beautiful and fragile creatures.

By Neve & Sophie