We need the Union

for doing some important


Britain may lose

3 million jobs if

we leave the EU.

I Vote we STAY

If we leave the EU

then we might be left

out from the trading


Our money won't go around properly if we leave the EU

If we leave then

Britain will have to

pay billions to the

EU without

having any say at


Without the


and protection of the

EU our peace would

be at risk.

Being with the EU

is helping

our economy so if we

leave we may be in

money danger!

As a consequence

for leaving the EU

Britain will lose vital foreign investment.

What is a Referendum?

A referendum is a vote were all people in the public above the age of

eighteen are allowed to vote for what they want to happen.

Why do I vote we stay?

I vote that we stay part of the European Union because I don't suddenly

want any big changes in my life unless I approve them. I want every thing to stay normal, just as it is right now. No big money shortages or new wars between our country. Just normal.


Prime Minister

Votes for us to stay


Votes for us to leave