
Global warming has caused problems all around the world,especially in the oceans. Global warming has caused coral bleaching in the waters. It was pointed out that a mass of coral bleaching events observed during the 1980’s probably due to anomalously warm temperatures related to climate change. A mass coral bleaching results in starvation, shrinkage and death of the corals that support thousands of species that live on coral reefs.Global warming has also been causing a problem for sea turtles. If the sea level rises the sea turtles might lose their nesting beaches resulting in them becoming extinct.

We can stop this if we:

ban plastic straws

ban plastic bags


The biggest source of littering is cigarette butts. They contain harmful chemicals including arsenic it can also contaminate water and soil. Now cigarettes can also harm people that don't smoke. Litter on the ground degrades natural areas and kill plants and animals. Litter on the ground can also cause severe accidents on the road, all it takes is some rubbish in the road and a car accident just waiting to happen. Rubbish also spoils our water quality and can also produce water pollution. There is also an island made of litter and rubbish called trash island,it is said to be bigger than Texas.


Did you know that there are 8 tonnes of plastic going into our oceans every year? Scientist say that there will soon be more plastic than all fish by 2050! We must stop this. There are an estimated 51 trillion micro-plastic particles which is around 500 times more than stars in our galaxy now. Plastic is deadly to marine life and turtles might mistake them for being jellyfish which can result in their death.

Global Warming