Kidzania trip

On Thursday we went to Westfields in London. We visited Kidzania as part of our microsociety lessons. Kidzania is a city run by kids, you get to decide what jobs to do, how to spend your money, whether you want to go to university and many other things.

Kidzos are the Kidzanian currency. When you arrive you are given 50 Kidzos, which you can spend immediately to do one of the jobs, or you can keep to save for the shop later (but the stuff in the shop is really expensive). The jobs are usually quite exciting. At the end of your job, you get a wage, which vary depending on what you have to do during the experience.

At first, Kidzania seemed really big. But don't worry, by the end you'll be able to walk around as if it was your own city. Make sure you have a good look around Kidzania, including upstairs, as there are good professions there too. Don't be daunted by the queues, these usually mean it's a good activity. If there's an activity you really want to do, then stay in the queue for it, otherwise you might find you run out of time to take part.

I really enjoyed Kidzania as a great learning experience, as you got to walk around with your friends, making you feel as if it was a real city. Your parents will enjoy it too, as they can go shopping in Westfields whilst you are busy.