Aboriginals are the native people of Australia. They were famous for playing a musical instrument called the Didgereedoo

This instrument is decorated with aboriginal art. It shows patterns drawn completely by dots. If you were to look at the old aboriginal art work then you would find out that the aborigines would never leave the background blank!

It is a fascinating instrument that makes a weird but beautiful sound.

New Zealand

New Zealand is located off the south east coast of Australia. If you were to turn it upside down it would look a bit like a ladies boot! It is made up of two islands, the north island and south island. The north island is smaller than south island.

This is an example of a native New Zealander. They are known as the Maori people and still live in tribes today.

They like to decorate themselves and do dances such as the one they do before their rugby matches.

Other countries that can be found in Australasia are;

1. Indonesia

2. East Timor

3. Papa New Guinea

4. New Calendonia

5. Fiji

6. Pacific Islands.