Ellie Simmonds Training Day Diet

6am:She eats a banana by the pool

10am: She goes back home and eats a bowl of porridge

1pm:Ellie has beans on toast

2pm:She either has a banana or a bowl of cereal before she goes

back to the pool.

7pm: A healthy meal to finish the day of

7:30pm:Have a drink of Apple Juice or a cup of tea

8:45pm:Has a early night for the busy day of ahead of her tomorrow

What foods groups does she eat?



Beans= Carbohydrates

Bread= Carbohydrates


Apple juice=Fruit


She eats a banana to keep her awake for the day

She eats porrage because its the important meal of the day to Ellie

Ellie has beans on toast to keep her energy level high untill she has somthing to eat again

She has a banana or a bowl of cereal because she does not want to eat to much before she goes back to the pool

She eats chicken, potatoes, brcolli and carrots and that cotains protin, carbohydrates and vegetables to finish of the day with a healthy meal

Ellie has a cup of tea or a glass of apple juice to keep her hydrated through out the night and to finish of the day.

Ad then Ellie goes to bed ready for the same day tomorow.