Hi everyongcxhz whoops

Hi everyone

Want to know about how we celabrated book week

If not then your boring just joking I bet you will all like a recount of book week at burlington!

So lets step into the timemachine and travell back in time all the way to monday. Hoooray we did it its monday. now year 4 come to the junior hall to listen to a/some stories told by Helan East.she told us a story about a boy with only a nuckul bone wich was magic. whenever he played a game of anything he always won with his bone. She also told another story so it ia actully stories. Helan East told us another story about a king that was good at riddles. now lets go foward to Friday. On friday if you want to you can dress up as a book character.

By for now

no actually............ pss go to the next page