Greek Mythical


In year 6 we have been learning about Greek myths in English. We have been focusing on Theseues and the Minotaur. We also got to write our own version of this myth. I like what we are learning about. I also like it because we can make our own mythical creatures.

Theseus and the Minotaur is about a young hero who slays the Minotaur,so no more children of Athens will be killed. Theseues meets a beautiful princess of Crete called Ariadne. Ariadne falls in love with Theseus and helps him defeat the Minotaur with a sword and some string. The prince of Athens [Theseus] whiskes Ariadne off her feet before leaving her on another island. Theseus' Dad jumps off a cliff because Theseus forgets to change his sails from black to white.

King Oceana

king Oceana rose from the sea with only one thing on his mind. Human blood... he is half cycolops half horse and can kill you in seconds. king oceanus lurks in the darkness everywhere you turn you see him but when you look back again he's gone. He has sharp claws that are very poisonous.