Thursday 19th May 2016

Today I will be talking about what happened this week starting on Monday which was my mothers birthday.

Then on Tuesday I went to Union Chapel with some people in some people in my class and the other year 5 class, some people in my class and some people in year 4. It was so much fun I wish I went again!

On Wednesday, we had someone come in and teach us some maths. My table worked out the answer to what type of pizza Petra ordered.

On Thursday ( which was today ) we had P.E and My team won!We played netball and we won every teem we played against.The best part was hearing that we won.

The thing I most wanted to tell you about was on Friday 13th the huge surprise.We had ice-cream and many more fun games to play.We also sent balloons away and only 1 has been found in Essex.We don't know who's balloon it belongs to but we are hoping to find out.