What we have been doing this week...

In Music, we have found out which instruments we are going to be learning.

In our Reading lesson, we listened and discussed Chapter 2 and 3 - including "Pool of Tears" from "Alice's Adventure's in Wonderland".

In Maths, we have been improving our number and place value skills, we have also explored negative numbers too and how we use them in everyday life.

*What has been your favourite part of the week?

*What have you learned in Maths?

*What do you remember about Chapter 2?


Maths & MyMaths homework are due in on a Monday

Literacy and Spelling homework are due in on a Friday

In Topic, we have been thinking about potions and designing our own sleep potion. We have been learning about different herbs and their uses.The children have then sketched different bottles in their books and made a group arrangement of potion bottles.

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