

In the third week we read the next part of the story Justenuf (Currently Notenuf). The people started to trade seeds for food, and some people started to steal! Our society thought about this carefully, and in the end, someone pointed out that we needed a Prime Minister.I thought about what might happen if I was Prime Minister, but i decided not to do it, as I didn't want to make a speech and it would make me quite nervous. This is because I don't know if my society would vote for me. There were also some other important jobs as well. The jobs where the people had to elect you were: Banker, Judge and Police officer. You didn't HAVE to make a speech, and if you didn't get the job or you did not even make a speech in the first place, you can make your own business.This made me super excited and I had lots of ideas for a business, I cannot wait at all! We also looked at how to apply for a job in the real world, and that made me feel quite shocked, I never knew you have to be interviewed just to get a job! Our currency is now being produced in larger amounts and our society is improving lots!

See you next week!