Week 1 Microsociety

On the first week of microsociety we talked about scarcity, which is what happens when more people want more of a resource than there is available.We also talked about the story of 'Justenuf' which is about a captain who has to find a way to share out resources.Some people said that the poorer people should get more but others then stated that the richer people wouldn't have an incentive to stay rich. What do you think the captain should do? After that we had a discussion about 3rd and 1st world countries, learning that the 1st world nations have more resources so are usually more well-off countries.

We moved on to thinking about what we wanted our own society to be like. First we started by coming up with a name for our society. We had a democratic vote to decide. We then moved on to the task of designing a flag for our society.