On Wednesday, half of Year 4 went to Canary Wharf, as part of the Rackets Cubed programme (Squash), to the 'Squash Classic' event venue to meet a couple of squash professionals, have a Q&A, tour of the venue, workout outside the court, and play squash inside. The children were given free wristbands, headbands, squash programmes (which they're in!), and certificates, as well as a sports drink to keep them hydrated.

All the children had a great time and really enjoyed seeing the Canary Wharf area and talking about the tall buildings / businesses there too. Both class TAs commented that the children's behaviour throughout the trip was outstanding, with some giving up seats for adults and playing 'the silent game' and 'the whisper game' on public transport.

Well done everyone.

Year 4 children trip to Canary Wharf as part of Raquets Cubed programme