My favourite animal

My favourite animal is a fox because it is fierce, cute and cuddly. My favourite type of fox is the white arctic fox because white is my favourite colour. Almost all types of foxes usually eat rodent, insects and worms. Their mouth is not big, so they can't eat big animals like cows or pigs. Arctic foxes spend most of their time in their homes that are called dens . They make the dens from rabbit holes or even small caves. The arctic fox has a really furry coat that keeps them warm in their own biome. There are twenty three different types of foxes. Unlike other foxes the arctic foxes are the cutest to me. They usually live in forests but my favourite fox lives in the snow. Arctic foxes must endure a temperature difference of up to 90–100 °C. On the coast of Iceland and other islands, their diet consists predominantly of birds. Arctic foxes survive harsh winters and food scarcity by either hoarding food or storing body fat.