Hi everyone! Today I'm blogging about customer reviews on Tesco. Here is one I found.
(Just to say, I didn't write this myself. If you don't believe me check the link:https://www.trustpilot.co.uk/review/www.tesco.co.uk)

Poor Poor company
Tesco used to be the M&S of the high street but now it has no stock, staff, and increasingly no future!

This person gave Tesco 1 star out of 5. What do you think? Let me know in comments! Tesco's quality is definately going down.

Okay, this is another review:
The order simply didn't arrive today. When I called to enquire, they first said that it would arrive in 20 mins and then called back and said that it wouldn't arrive at all. They said that they had called us earlier but there were no missed calls or voice messages on either of the mobile phones, so it seems extremely unlikely. The customer service said that it would not be possible for Tesco to get back to us and explain what went wrong because they simply don't do that. The whole thing is outrageous and wasted me a good half a day.

This one I think is more detailed! Again, what do you think? Which review is the best? Now, here is something exciting. I'm launching a competition! What you need to do is write a review about tesco (it can be good or bad) in the comments. I will pick the best one and award a prize!

By Bookwhizz