Alex's Victorian milk bread

  1. Mix together yeast,sugar,milk,flour and salt.

This is a Victorian recipe for bread, and uses milk

instead of water. This makes the bread more white,

which was how the Victorians liked it (they didn't really

eat brown bread) .

2. Kneaded it for ten minutes. Modern bread is made

using machines but in Victorian times it would be made

by hand. We had to prove the bread dough 3 times for

45 minutes each. This makes the dough grow so that it

gets air in it and it isn't too heavy.

3.I cracked an egg in to a bowl and painted the bread with it. This is called an eggwash and it makes the crust crispy and shiny and stops it getting burnt.

4.The bread baked in the oven for 45 minutes. When it came out the oven I cut it in to 10 pieces. We ate the bread with lots of butter and cheese. It tasted so good Dad asked if I could make a loaf every day!

We found out that they used to put plaster of Paris or even dust into bread in Victorian times to make cheaper to produce, as flour was very expensive. This could be really dangerous, especially for children who could get really sick or even die if they ate too much of it.