KIDZANIA! microsociety ( week 3 )

So basically this was the best microsociety week ever. We went to kidzania ( as you can see from the title ) and we did lots of fun jobs. The jobs were like they were in real life. First when we got to Kidzania we put our stuff away and then we got these wrist band things to scan you to get inside. With the scanning things you can get in and out of the jobs your working on. Sometimes you have to pay to get in jobs and sometimes you don't .They gave us money to start with and then we do jobs to earn more money . The man kept on saying money 3 times when he was only meant to

say it once !

So the first thing I did was fashion designing it was where you had to dress up a mannequin and it was really fun. Then I went to the capital FM thing and you had to read stuff out on the computer for the radio and listen to music . Then it was lunch time ! Yum ! After all that deliciousness I went the baby care thing where you had to look after babies and feed them and stuff like that . Now I really know how to look after a baby . After all that fun I went to university . Only after I got there I knew how boring and tiring it was . Like literally all I heard the man saying was politics and then blah blah blah and kept on talking . Although it was boring , I got a university card ? I guess ?



Baby care


Capital FM