Great Galapagos Island

Bang!the volcano erupted

it was as loud as a plane taking off

The rocky island jumped out of the ocean

like a kangaroo

After a few years majestic,tall palm trees

started to grow more amd more

Wonderful wildlife

started to be born on the island

The island started to evolve

and was covered with green carpets

The colourful trees danced

to the rythm of the breeze

Beautiful breathtaking sceneries

through thin misty curtains

Tall,wavy mountains

looked like camels humps

Igaunas dive into the luxurious water

to eat there coral after basking in the sun all day

After flying in the air all day

the hawks dive down to catch there pray

The sea lion is a lazy man

lying on the shore all day

The lava lizards play by the sea

and then the waves eat them up