The Sun Bear is a small species of bear that is found inhabiting the dense, tropical forests of south-east Asia. The Sun Bear is the smallest species of bear in the world and it is also one of the most unique, being the only member of its family that has not only adapted to living in the jungle but also leads an exclusively tree-dwelling life. Also known as the Malaysian Sun Bear and the Honey Bear, the Sun Bear has a number of distinctive features most notably the orange U-shaped marking on its chest from which it gets its name. Sun Bears are both rare and elusive animals meaning that very little is actually known about their behaviours and habits in the wild (or indeed exactly how rare they are). Populations however, are known to be drastically decreasing as Sun Bears are threatened by both hunting and habitat loss throughout much of their natural range.

Map of asia where the Sun Bears live


Southeast Asian tropical forests, including tropical evergreen rainforest, montane forest and swamp habitat

Sun Bears eat a wide variety of fruits, nuts, berries and shoots along with supplementilng their diet with insects, grubs, honey, eggs and small animals such as rodents when plant matter is scarce.

Hi i am chesnie i belong to cheswick green primary school. I would like to say thank you

for when i had no clothes you gave me clothes, when i had no home you brought me in.