Outside in a garden of a normal family, The grass was green with tiny rocks and stones sprinkled in different places. Though, one of the rocks was a bit unusual because this rock was actually a tiny house. Inside the house lived some people, about the size of a thumb, they were called the prizzles. They could only survive with the things they find in the garden, but if there lucky they might find a way to sneak inside the house with out getting caught. When a human came outside, the prizzles would hide in there mini house, the house camouflages with all the other rocks and stones.

One day, Stone Prizzle was searching for a fun thing to do with his sister Pebble Prizzle.

"Come one pebble, lets go inside the human house," said stone, " It will be fun!"

Pebble thought for a moment but then replied " but mummy and daddy said it is to dangerous and we are not allowed."

So stone told pebble to go back home and that he would go by himself. Stone, climbed up the hose, on to the window and made his way inside. Though little did he know a human was right in front of him. the boy tried to run but his little legs didn't get him anywhere. the grabbed the little boy...

What will happen to the tiny boy?