On Tuesday,Parrot Class walked to Hogsmill Water Treatment Plant to see how water cleaned after it has been used.

When we arrived there,we met our guide,Deena who showed us to a classroom. Deena started explaining some of the rules at the sewage works to keep us safe and what we were going to be doing that day.

She then showed us how we need to drink water to stay alive. We did an experiment on what should and shouldn't go down the toilet The four p's to go down the toilet are poo,pee,toilet paper and puke.

After that we did another experiment. This involved a plastic bottle (or a tube),pretend sludge,water and a balloon. First,we put a teaspoon of pretend sludge in the plastic bottle or tube.Then we put a bit of water in. We then put the balloon on top of the plastic bottle or tube. After that,we estimated what would happen. Deena then took us on a tour f the sewage works.