When and What was the Blitz?

The Blitz started in September 1940 and continued until May 1941.It was carried out by Germany who wanted to invade and bomb major cities in britain, but mainly London, and other countries like France.

Cities that were involved in the Blitz

The cities that were involved in the Blitz were








and finally,


Why did it all start?

It all started because Germany wanted to scare and frighten Britain as they wanted to take over and rule the countries, but Britain fought back and made sure that their country wasn't took over.

Types of bombs that were used in the Blitz

They used different types of bombs in the Blitz and 3 of them were the H.E. bombs (the high explosive bomb) Incendiary bombs, also termed as fire bombs as they did cause fires and oil bombs.

Did you know?

Did you know that over 2 million houses were bombed (in London) during the Blitz and 60% of it was demolished.

Did you know

Did you know that on the first night of the attack almost over 2,000 people in London were killed and severly injured.

What does the 'Blitz' mean?

The Blitz is shorter for the German word the 'Blitzkrieg' and that means (lightning war).

Made by Lily Ellis!