Telling the Time

In Year 3 we are working on telling the time and what you need to learn next. Can you help support your child at home to tell the time on an analogue clock. Each pupil has a target suitable for them. Please Please Please work on telling the time everyday and use clocks and watches at home to help your child learn to tell the time.

You all have targets to work on at home and they are in your homework book. You also have a blank clock face sheet to use and feel free to draw more clock faces.

Target 1 : Work on o'clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past

Target 2 : minutes past the hour - five minutes past, ten minutes past, twenty past , twenty five past

Target 3 : Minutes to the hour - five minutes to the hour, ten minutes to, twenty minutes to, twenty five minutes to

Target 4 : use a 12 hour digital clock with am and pm to tell the time - use the websites we used in class or feel free to use other websites with an adult.

This website also has a teaching clock face that you can use at home if you don't have a toy clock to use.

Year 3 homework 12/1/18